Thursday, 25 October 2012


The bus
Singapore Ian Tymms
On a school excursion
to "The Cement Works"
Drove down the
Sides of an open-cut
Mine to the
Where we found ancient
Shark's teeth.

Now I live in a
Concrete tower looking
Down on the trees and
Earth below.
Cranes on every horizon
Are emblems
Of a desire to rise
Above the complex
History of this

But there are still
Shark's teeth in the walls.

Wednesday, 24 October 2012


Most of my posts to-date have focused on blogging and teaching. This post takes a very different direction; it’s the potatoes to add a little variety to my overly meat-rich diet.

The United World College movement has just turned 50. The power and pervasiveness of Kurt Hahn’s original vision constantly surprises me as it finds expression in unexpected places. One recent voice to contribute to this conversation is Mikhail Gorbachev, a figure who, in my mind, stands in significance with the likes of fellow Nobel Prize winner Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Ghandi for the positive impact he has made on 20th Century politics. It is thus humbling and surprising to find Gorbachev taking the time to address the UWC community directly.

In his letter to the UWC movement, Gorbachev writes:

Dear friends,
Please accept my congratulations on the
occasion of the 50th anniversary of United
World Colleges. During the years of its existence
your movement has been able to considerably
influence several generations of students from
many countries in a spirit of mutual respect,
peace and sustainable development. Today, this
mission is as important as ever.

In today’s world, old threats to peace are
persisting and new ones are emerging.
The current economic crisis, the crisis of
international relations and the threat of a new
arms race testify to the fact that the twenty
years after the end of the Cold War have been
largely wasted instead of being used to build a
more secure and just world order.
The economy of many countries is in deep
crisis. One of the causes of this crisis is the
model that has defined global development for
the past few decades, a model based on seeking
superprofits and overconsumption, on social and
environmental irresponsibility, making the
human being merely a cog in an economic machine.

I am convinced that a transition to a new model
is inevitable. But this requires joint efforts of the
scientific and academic community. I therefore
applaud the vigorous efforts of your movement
to support the right to peace, social justice
and sustainable development and stand up
against injustice and inequality. It is particularly
important that your students and alumni take
this stand not merely in rhetoric but by working
actively in various humanitarian, educational
and environmental projects on all continents,
thus showing an example of engagement and
civic responsibility.

I find this letter sobering. The last twenty years, he tells us, ‘have been largely wasted’. We have not build a ‘more secure and just world’ but instead have focussed on ‘superprofits and overconsumption, on social and environmental irresponsibility, making the human being merely a cog in an economic machine.’

As I sit here in Singapore, an employee of UWCSEA, it is hard not to take this analysis to heart. This is a wealthy country where Mercedes and BMWs are big, black and ubiquitous. There seems sometimes to be something a little inadequate in a lunchtime bake-sale which raises a few hundred dollars for a worthy cause when each of us live a lifestyle built, literally, on the cheap labour of imported workers.

What Gorbachev reminds me is that my footprint on the earth is real and I must always look carefully to see where I am treading. The UWC mission walks a precarious line as we both rely on the ‘economic machine’ for the resources that allow us to exist and simultaneously explore and question its workings. The social responsibility one has in a position of privilege requires significant and difficult reflection.

Gorbachev himself provides a good lesson in the value of working carefully from within ‘the machine’. His reform agenda for the Soviet Union through “perestroika” resulted in the dissolution of the USSR and the birth of modern Europe. The central tenant of that movement was the notion of “glasnost”, or “openness”, and it is this idea that I think has particular resonance with the UWC movement. Kurt Hahn’s belief was that if you could put people from different cultures together and educate them as equals, they would emerge from their schools with a greater potential to create a just and peaceful world. I think he would have liked the idea of glasnost.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Finding a line in shifting sands

Thoughts, like water, are essential to sustaining life but they are similarly difficult to shape. Writers must always struggle with the possibility - no the probability - that the texts they pour their ideas into will take a different shape in the minds of their readers. For me, as a writer, this is my greatest struggle: to find forms for my ideas which have enough structure and integrity to sustain their approximate shape as they pass into the minds of others.

The significance of this struggle has been foremost in my mind as I have reflected on whether to publish the post I wrote last week.

What I wrote responds to the sentiments of Mikhail Gorbachev published last month in a letter ofcongratulations (p.26) to the United World College movement on the occasion of the movement’s 50th anniversary. Gorbachev writes about how little he feels has been achieved since the end of the cold war; he argues that, instead of striving to make the world a better place, the last twenty years has seen a focus on ‘superprofits and overconsumption, on social and environmental irresponsibility, making the human being merely a cog in an economic machine.’ In my post I paid tribute to Gorbachev as a man of integrity and vision and I wrote about the incongruities of the affluence that supports the UWC movement and the challenges that Gorbachev believes face the world.

Because I work for one of the United World Colleges (UWCSEA) my own position on this issue is complex. The UWC mission statement says that, “UWC makes education a force to unite people, nations and cultures for peace and a sustainable future,” and so a part of my job is to prepare students to critically engage with the world as they strive to improve it. But I also work in Singapore and so when I signed my work contract, I agreed that I would not comment publically about the Singapore Government. My lifestyle, my affluence, my students’ lives and the affluence that is necessary to the very existence of my school is predicated on the economic miracle that is Singapore and Gorbachev is asking some challenging questions about the economic foundations of this system. It is difficult to ask these questions without also reflecting on the economic values of the city in which we live and there is a risk, as I explore Gorbachev’s writing, that I could find myself being critical of the government here in Singapore.

I am overstating the problem of my own post but I am doing so because I have a further point to make. What I wrote is not critical of the Singaporean Government nor would I want it to be. I don’t know exactly where the line is in the sand that I must not cross, but I am experienced and aware enough to know roughly where it is and to stay carefully at a distance. My real worry about my post is that it is written – like this post – largely for my students and I don’t know that this line is as easily discerned by them.

And this is the real challenge that I wish to raise: how do my students, who are by definition young and learning about the world, explore and challenge the status quo without the risk of crossing lines? What is my responsibility as a teacher in regard to inviting enquiry but protecting my students from crossing into territory where they should not go? Should my students’ blogs be public and thus allow a meaningful engagement with the world, or private and there-by remove much of the risk but also much of the engagement? If I am not standing beside my students when they enter the online world, am I leaving them to enter it alone and without guidance?

The complexities of these challenges were highlighted by the recent transgressions of an Australian/Malaysian woman here in Singapore. Amy Cheong wrote a ‘Facebook post railing over the noise from a Malay wedding being held in a void deck near her home, which was filled with expletives and insults about the community’ (The Strait Times October 13, p. D4). Within 24 hours, Cheong had been sacked by her employer and left Singapore.

The media discussion around Ms Cheong's treatment has been extensive. Whether the response was proportionate is not my concern in this post. What I would like to note is that Ms Cheong was tertiary educated, 37 years old and professionally employed by the National Trades Union Congress. She should have known where to find the line.

When I write about issues of economics or social justice, so should I. But when I do so, I tacitly open this possibility for my students, too, and I can’t expect them to be as able when reading the nuances of the world. That is why I am writing this post: to remind my students that the writing they do in their blogs (and in their private lives on Facebook) is real and can have real consequences. This is powerful and something to be embraced, but, as they experiment in the sandpit of the internet, it is important that my students are constantly thinking about where the line might be.

In the Saturday Straits Times (13/10/12, p. D4), Law Professor Tan Cheng Han, chair of the Singapore Media Literacy Council (MLC), was asked to comment on the Cheong incident. As part of his article, he wrote about what the public can do to engender a better social media environment:

As in the real world, show your disapproval of anti-social behaviour. And also try to be fair-minded and courteous even in disagreement.
            After all, most people who don’t agree with you are more likely to at least see your point of view if you put it across politely.
            They may even come round to your point of view eventually, but they almost certainly won’t if you put your points across insultingly and condescendingly.

I am educating young people to make a better world: Prof Tan Cheng Han’s advice seems like a solid foundation on which to build that world. Finding an appropriate line in the sand will always require careful reading and thoughtful engagement with others and I don’t believe my students can do this from outside the sandpit. I want them engaged, active, thoughtful and respectfully changing the world. Thought and language always requires care and negotiation as ideas are passed from one mind to another. These are skills that must be taught and learned.

My advice to my students:

  • ·            Think about who might read your writing and what it might mean to them.
  • ·            Write respectfully.
  • ·            Be productively provocative – ask questions of your world and expect that it can be better.
  • ·            Strive to understand the context in which you live and write and, if you’re not sure, ask others who might understand it better.
  • ·            Draft – because drafting means, amongst other things, that you will take some time between writing and publishing. It is always good to get another opinion on your writing and to reread it yourself with fresh eyes.
  • ·            Remember that there can be consequences for getting it wrong – both for you, for me, for your family and for your school – but that we trust you to explore the world honestly and respectfully and we support you in doing this. I would far rather an honest mistake than a failure to try.